- La radiographie panoramique de cette fille de 10 ans permet de déceler plusieurs problèmes d’éruption pour lesquels il est indiqué d’intervenir
Serial extractions are preventive and interceptive measures consisting in strategically removing certain deciduous (temporary) teeth when the space deficiency in the dental arches is severe.
- This procedure allows for a redistribution of the available space to the underlying permanent teeth which have an abnormalpath of eruption because of a lack of space.
- The extractions may be indicated in one or both arches an are usually spread over many years.
- A panoramic radiograph and a clinical examination when the child is 7-8 years old will help determine if the space available for the unerupted permanent teeth is sufficient and if their direction of eruption is adequate hence the importance of early screening.
- If significant space deficiency or other problems are detected on the radiograph, we will prescribe the extraction of certain deciduous teeth to your dentist.
- Teh dentition will then be evaluated every 12 to 18 months by Dr. Lemay to monitor the evolution of the dental eruption following the serial extractions.
- Depending on the case, other extractions may be needed.
- Since this procedure is indicated mainly when the lack of available space is severe, it must be expected that, even if temporary teeth are removed, all permanent teeth will not erupt in a normal position.
- Orthodontic corrections will very likely be necessary to obtain an esthetic and functional occlusion.